How to design your website

How to design your website

Web Design Company in Mumbai
web designing company in Mumbai

Choose Your Website Platform – It is not mandatory to have coding knowledge for creating a website. Knowledge in HTML, CSS can come in handy but you can do with it. To create a functional website, you can learn the basics. Hiring a good web designing company in Mumbai to do your project will ensure experienced hands are on it. If you plan to do it yourself, firstly, decide the CMS platform to work on. Then plan out your color schemes, preferred domain name, and more.

More than ten years ago, sites were usually built using HTML, CSS, PHP. These languages take a lot of time to learn and hard to master. Learning coding to develop just one site is not ideal as it could take months learning it and years mastering it. After, there will also be time spent on developing it. Some consider hiring website developers in Mumbai when wanting to have one or two projects done. Most people now prefer content management systems (CMS) because it is easier to build and manage websites. Many well-known CMS platforms are free for building sites and managing content.

Content can be copied and pasted onto a page so maintenance can be done without having a professional do so for you. It is simple and user-friendly with drag and drop features. Thinking about which platform to go for? A website design companies in Mumbai will understand your business and suggest you the best one. We will tell you as per recent statistics. In this year, there are three most popular ones – WordPress, Drupal, Joomla. Many e-commerce businesses have chosen WordPress and the average percent of business using it is as high as 50.07% as per statistics. You can imagine over 50% of websites are built using WordPress. Drupal has the second highest users with 17.07% and Joomla with 6.44%

There are many experts who have listed comparisons between these three platforms that you can read to understand which one to choose. If you do not to use WordPress, you can use Drupal, Joomla as well. All of them are FREE to use. Most experts say that Drupal and Joomla is difficult to use for non-technical users. Most suggest to go with WordPress. Many web developers in Mumbai are well-versed in development on sites on WordPress. I recommend it because I found it easy to build one when I tried it out. I possess no technical knowledge and found it rather easier. But why should you:

Flexibility: If you find using Microsoft Word easy, adding your content here will be easy too. Plus there are free plugins if you want to expand anything. To make it more exciting, there are 2000 free themes and many paid themes to choose from. It acts as a “website editor” so even without the coding skills, you are good to go. From blogs to online stores, any kind of website can be built using this platform. Some of the biggest organizations such as CNN, eBay, Google Ventures, NASA are developed with this CMS. Many users have reviewed it is the easiest platform that suits small business owners to large ones like eBay.